Philosophy of the Residential Outdoor Environmental Education (ROEE) Conference
In 1983, this organization was founded upon these premises:
There is a need for an annual conference to be held at a Residential Outdoor Environmental Education facility to facilitate growth and the exchange of ideas among outdoor educators in the field of Outdoor Environmental Education.
This program / site managers and teachers of Residential Outdoor Environmental Education programs can benefit through the mutual exchange of ideas, practices, and programs.
The similarity of programs / objectives among Residential Outdoor Environmental Education programs across the nation and continent — including Canadian provinces — engenders mutual perceptions of goals, curricula, and practices among program educators in that region, thus promoting a mutual liaison / conference there.
As of the 2006 ROEE Conference at Vashon Island, WA, a new vision statement for ROEE was established:
ROEE: a network of passionate educators committed to the stewardship and sustainability of residential outdoor environmental education.
We are catalysts for professional and program development through the sharing of our knowledge, experiences, and best practices.